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Enabling Mer debuginfo package
Enable debuginfo packages for mer repository:
sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/g' /etc/zypp/repos.d/mer-core.repo
This setting is resetted by sdk-upgrade, so has to be done again every time.
Enabling Core files
Add more information to core files, so it is easier to distinguish which file is for which application:
cat > /etc/sysctl.d/core.conf << EOF kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 kernel.core_pattern = /tmp/core-%e-%s-%p-%t fs.suid_dumpable = 2 EOF
Core settings mentioned above take effect on reboot but you can also load them manually with:
sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/core.conf
Then enable the actual generation of the core files, by allowing unlimited core file size by default. This setting will also automatically load on boots after this:
echo "* soft core unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
Same thing can be achieved with following command without reboot:
ulimit -c unlimited
Installing common debug tools
There is package group called "Mer Debugging" that provides some debugging tools that are available in Mer Core, e.g., gdb, and some common -debuginfo packages. This can be installed with following command.
zypper install -t pattern mer-debugging