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Two quotes from the 'MeeGo Reconstructed' email ( [DEAD LINK] describe what can find here.

  • 'Initially the project will be developing a Core for basing products on and will split UX and hardware adaptations out into separate projects within the community surrounding the Core'
  • 'We will continue to welcome contribution and participation from the hacker community - in fact we aim to make it so easy to port to a new vendor device that a single hacker could do it for their device'

Some of the information is taken from the MeeGo project with which we share a number of tools and processes.


Community Resources

Device Adaptations

See also Adaptations

Adaptations available under obs ( are typically (but not consistently) named hw:vendor:processor:sbc, e.g., hw:ti:omap4:pandaboard. (see also OBS_architecture_naming) The items below are typically listed by a common device or sbc (single board computer) name, which is not necessarily unique; e.g., Google Nexus 7 2012 is nv:tegra3:nexus7, Google Nexus 7 2013 might rather be google:msm:nexus7 or maybe it would be a child of qualcomm:s4pro.

To estimate the level of activity in an adaptation project on obs, you might look at the kernel adaptation package, and check the top line of the "changes" file, e.g., kernel-adaptation-pandaboard.changes to see the kernel version and/or date of recent patches. Many of the adaptations listed below are outdated, one-time, "proof-of-concept" activities, rather than useful, active hardware ports. There might also be adaptations hosted completely externally to the obs that are not documented here.

User Experience UX


Quality has some information about QA infrastructure (testing, quality metrics). That infrastructure intends to provide for automated testing and benchmarking to assist in optimization, regression testing, etc. Unfortunately the effort is stagnant.

This section collects some information to quantify and summarize community end-user experience as a function of device, software release, etc.

  • General
    • has a wide variety of modern benchmarks; the test framework has a dependency on php (php-cli) (as yet unpackaged).
  • Hardware
    • CPU
      • nbench provide a suite of c codes to assess single-cpu performance. Since it depends only on a c compiler, it is of use on hardware for which no UI is available. (packaging in progress)
    • GPU / Graphics
      •  ?
  • UX
    •  ?