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OBS Setup

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These steps show how to set up an Open Build Service (OBS) on an openSuSE 11.4 installation. An OBS installation will usually consist of an OBS web server, a main OBS server and one or more OBS workers. This document describes how to setup a basic evaluation installation and is not meant as production ready or hardened setup.

PLEASE NOTE : Most users won't need to install their own OBS and can just use an account on a publicly accessible OBS.

Vendors may need to have full control of their builds and keep source private due to licensing restrictions, etc. This guide addresses these special cases.


Add Repositories

First, we have to add the openSUSE Tools repositories to the OBS servers

zypper ar
zypper ar

The following repo is needed for the API/WebUI server (possibly not once 2.3 is released)

zypper ar

The following repo is needed until 2.3 is released

zypper ar

To activate them:

zypper refresh

When zypper asks, accept the trust key.

Setup OBS Backend Server

For high load situations this can be split over multiple machines:

  • Scheduler Server
  • Source Server
  • Repository Server
  • Signing Server

alternatively this can all be done on one backend server.

Install the Server packages

zypper install obs-server obs-signd

The repository server should have

chkconfig --add obsrepserver

The source server should have

chkconfig --add obssrcserver

The scheduler should have

chkconfig --add obsscheduler obsdispatcher obspublisher obswarden

Finally, on the signer

chkconfig --add obssigner

Configure access control to the reposerver : default is Need to modify the ipaccess values. (see for a fix that should make it upstream)

vi /usr/lib/obs/server/

On the repository server:

rcobsrepserver start

On the source server:

rcobssrcserver start

On the scheduler server

rcobsscheduler start
rcobsdispatcher start
rcobspublisher start
rcobswarden start

On the signer:

rcobssigner start

Setup OBS API/Webserver

zypper install obs-api mysql memcached apache2

chkconfig --add memcached obsapidelayed apache2 mysql

If you installed a minimal openSUSE installation then python packages may conflict with the minimal configuration package patterns-openSUSE-minimal_base. This package can be safely removed if it causes dependency problems.

MySQL Setup

Start mysql so we can configure it:

rcmysql start

Secure the installation:


Create the databases:

mysql -u root -p

At the mysql prompt create the databases and add the obs user to them (substitute ********** with your password):

create database api_production;
create database webui_production;
GRANT all privileges
     ON api_production.* 
     TO 'obs'@'%', 'obs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '************';
GRANT all privileges
     ON webui_production.* 
     TO 'obs'@'%', 'obs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '************';

Now, configure OBS to use MySQL. First the API server:

vi /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml

To have:

       adapter: mysql
       database: api_production
       username: obs
       password: ************

And setup the webui to use MySQL:

vi /srv/www/obs/webui/config/database.yml
       adapter: mysql
       database: webui_production
       username: obs
       password: ************

Populate the database:

cd /srv/www/obs/api/
RAILS_ENV="production"  rake db:setup
cd /srv/www/obs/webui/
RAILS_ENV="production" rake db:setup

If this fails, check /srv/www/obs/api/config/environments/production.rb and /srv/www/obs/webui/config/environments/production.rb for configuration of the SOURCE_HOST and FRONTEND_HOST.

Setup Web UI Configuration

New edit the webui config:

vi /srv/www/obs/webui/config/environments/production.rb

and set:

DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://obs:82/"

Setup API Configuration

The api config:


Only needs editing if you are using LDAP or if your backend is not on the same machine as the api (frontend) when you should change the SOURCE_HOST.

Setup apache for webui

Edit the apache config:

vi /etc/sysconfig/apache2

Then add "passenger xforward headers" ( proxy? ) to the APACHE_MODULES= line

OBS and API uses SSL so you may need to create a certificate

mkdir -p /srv/obs/certs/
openssl genrsa -out /srv/obs/certs/server.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -key /srv/obs/certs/server.key -out /srv/obs/certs/server.crt -days 3650

And verify log directory ownership

chown -R wwwrun:www /srv/www/obs/webui/log/
chown -R wwwrun:www /srv/www/obs/api/log/

Edit the apache virtual host configuration. This can be tweaked a lot to setup sane named vhosts if you have DNS.

vi /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/obs.conf

The packages install to /srv/obs, not /obs as the appliance uses so change <VirtualHost *:82> to have

 DocumentRoot  "/srv/obs/repos/"


 <Directory /srv/obs/repos>

Also enable https by adding:

 Listen 443

Now start the server:

rcmemcached start
rcobsapidelayed start
rcapache2 start

At this point you should be able to open a browser and go to your server and login to OBS. Normal https should be the webui, https on port 444 should be the api, and http on port 82 should be the repository directory. The default username/password is Admin/opensuse. Admin user should be able to create a new project in the List of All Projects -> Create a new project and filling in a project name, title and description.

Setup OBS Worker

Install the Worker Packages

zypper ar
zypper ar

The following repo is needed until 2.3 is released

zypper ar
zypper refresh

zypper install obs-worker qemu

Configure OBS Worker

Edit the file /etc/sysconfig/obs-worker in order to point to correct repository server which is one of the main OBS server services. In this example the server is

vi /etc/sysconfig/obs-worker

Most values in this file are well commented. One that needs to be set for ARM builds is:

OBS_SCHEDULER_ARCHITECTURES="i586 x86_64 armv7el armv8el“

Start OBS Worker

Start the worker service:

chkconfig --add obsworker
rcobsworker start


Note that logs live in:

  1. /srv/obs/log/ for the backend systems
  2. /srv/www/obs/api/log/ for the api and authentication interface
  3. /srv/www/obs/webui/log/ for the web interface

Here are common issues that have been seen and how to resolve them.

HTTP Error 500

Check /srv/www/obs/api/config/environments/production.rb and /srv/www/obs/webui/config/environments/production.rb for configuration of the SOURCE_HOST and FRONTEND_HOST.

404 while trying to see the package repository

Check, if the /srv/obs/repos directory is owned by obsrun.obsrun - if not, chown it. Failing to do so will prevent publisher from publishing your repositories in repository directory, and when you try accessing them you will get the 404.

OBS Web Interface Error:

When you get the following error:

OBS Web Interface Error:
Error Details:

Errorcode: unknown
Message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <status code="unknown"> <summary>uncaught exception: Failed to establish connect

check all the modified OBS configuration files (.pm files) for missing semicolons (;). The trace should also be visible in /srv/obs/log/*.log files.

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