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Currently Mer packages require systemd in the build phase to use the systemd macros. This may change.
Until then your spec/yaml should contain:
BuildRequires: systemd
System units should be installed to:
User session units need:
%define _userunitdir %{_libdir}/systemd/user/
Note that no units should ever be installed into /etc/
Links should almost never be installed into systemd/system/*.wants ; instead use the [Install] section of the unit.
All the %preun %post and %postun macros must be provided.
The %preun macro is simply
%systemd_preun my.service
The %post macro
%systemd_post my.service
The %postun is typically
%systemd_postun_with_restart my.service
For services that don't support a restart (eg if clients have stateful connections) then use:
%systemd_postun my.service
These macros support the systemd 'preset' for controlling service policy. This essentially decides whether services run automatically when installed.
Packages *must not* install preset files - the vendor should provide these.
The macros definitions can be found at
This thread was useful:
Fedora packaging snippets: