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Adaptations/libhybris/Install SailfishOS for hammerhead
From Mer Wiki
Contents |
Steps to install
- Install adb and fastboot on your workstation :
- Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot
- Fedora: yum install android-tools
- Mageia: urpmi android-tools (included in upcoming relase of Mageia 5).
- OpenSUSE: zypper in android-tools
- Mac OS X: Install Homebrew from, then: brew install android-platform-tools
- Windows: See for instructions
- Download CyanogenMod 11 snapshot M11 from and follow instructions from to install the CyanogenMod image.
- Download Sailfish OS for Nexus 5 image from and flash it over CyanogenMod.
- Reboot the device and it should boot to Sailfish OS. If the device shows Google logo for 4-5 minutes, do a reboot using power button.
- See below for MultiROM instructions
WIP Over-the-Air updates (OTA)
# open shell with normal nemo user # you can be on any Sailfish OS version you have installed before # Currently available OTA version: devel-su sed -i -e "s|^adaptation=.*$|adaptation=|" /usr/share/ssu/repos.ini ssu dr adaptation0 ssu release ssu dr extra ssu dr mw ssu ar mw ssu er mw ssu ar dhd ssu lr # ^ double-triple check that no -two- enabled repos point to the same URL # Because Jolla Store started working only recently, you may have # many of OpenRepos enabled. It's recommended to disable them, even # though version --dup will do its best-effort to isolate repositories: ssu lr | grep openrepos devel-su zypper clean -a devel-su zypper ref -f version --dup # if above fails, try again version --dup sync reboot
How to Build Image
- Refer to and download the porting guide PDF from Step 1 in that link
- Automated Script -
Hardware Support
For current status of hardware support refer to
Play Android OpenGL Classic Games
devel-su zypper in apkenv
Find a game's APK on the Internet that matches _exact version_ from this list:
Once downloaded, perform in Terminal as normal user, e.g.:
apkenv Angry_Birds_2_3_0.apk
You're welcome to help us by writing a small UI app that manages/launches those, or provides .desktop files.
Games tested on Nexus 5 successfully:
Amazing Alex Angry Birds Cut the Rope Fruit Ninja Petals Redux Plants vs. Zombies (no sound, WIP) Rabit Game 2 Super Hexagon World of Goo
To join the effort (or request a game), join #apkenv IRC channel on Freenode
Android Dalvik/Art apps are _not_ supported by apkenv.
- MultiROM Installation instructions at
- MultiROM Install Steps
Known Issues
Refer to bugzilla for list of known issues.