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Mailing lists

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Mer-general is a mailing list about general things about the Mer project. Please note it is 'subscriber only' which means you must subscribe to be able to send messages.

To subscribe, send an empty e-mail to

   Note: The mail server the list runs on uses graylisting to stop SPAM. Thus it may take some time
   (your mail server retry time) for your subscription request to go through. Once it's there, further
   messages will not be delayed.

You will then get a reply, with another e-mail address to send to (to confirm you actually wanted to be subscribed), send an e-mail to that e-mail address.

After that, you will get confirmation you have been subscribed and can now send posts to mer-general by mailing

To unsubscribe, send an empty e-mail to

Mailing list archive can be found at

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