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Ruby is used mainly for Testing and Tools in Mer and thus it is going to Mer:Tools project in community OBS. As ruby consists of numerous different gems, a packages that contain ruby libraries or applications, there is need for consistent policy how we should package them.
Package Naming
ruby gems packages should hae follow prefix in package names: rubygem-
Packaging with gem2rpm
First start by installing Mer SDK. After that is done login to the SDK and install rubygem-gem2rpm
sudo zypper install rubygem-gem2rpm
After that is done you need to fetch the gem you want to package.
gem fetch <mygemname>
When the gem is downloaded you can create .spec file with following cmd
gem2rpm-opensuse <mygemname-version>.gem > rubygem-<mygemname>.spec
After the .spec file is created next thing is to check if there are any hacks needed that needs to be preserved.
When the possible modifications are done it is time to add files, add new entry to .changes file and upload the new packaging.
Packaging with bundler
Some ruby applications have a significant number of gems. Rather than package them individually you can use bundler and create a single package that installs all the gems to a dedicated location.
To develop and prepare this package you need a suitable SDK with bundler 1.2 installed
Copy the Gemfile and .lock to a development directory (later this will be called DEVSRC) and run
bundle install --path=vendor/bundle
You may have local git repos checked out from github etc so to use those see the comments in the Gemfile. You need something like:
bundle config local.ruote-amqp /maemo/devel/BOSS/src/ruby-ruote-amqp
for each local git repo you're working with
In the DEVSRC ensure all commits are up-to-date and freeze using:
bundle pack --all
Then cd to the osc project and create a spec-file like this:
Name: sdk-webapp-bundle Summary: Bundle of gems used by sdk-webapp Version: 0.0.1 Release: 1 # Group: Development/Languages/Ruby License: GPLv2+ or Ruby (see gems) # BuildRequires: rubygems_with_buildroot_patch %rubygems_requires # This is the BR for all enclosed gems BuildRequires: rubygem-bundler git gcc-c++ openssl-devel pkgconfig Requires: rubygem-bundler # Url: # DEVSRC=/mer/mer/devel/mer-sdk/sdk-webapp-bundle ./ Source0: Gemfile Source1: Gemfile.lock Source2: sdk-webapp-bundle.rpmlintrc Source3: haml-3.1.7.gem Source4: rack-1.4.1.gem Source5: rack-protection-1.2.0.gem Source6: sass-3.2.1.gem Source7: sinatra-1.3.3.gem Source8: tilt-1.3.3.gem # SourceEnd : This line is needed to make the script in the README work Summary: Gems needed to run sdk-webapp %description This package is the bundle of gems needed to run the Mer SDK webapp %prep # We use the Gemfile, Gemfile,lock and rpmlintrc cp %{SOURCE0} . cp %{SOURCE1} . cp %{SOURCE2} . mkdir -p vendor/cache; for file in %{lua: for i, p in ipairs(sources) do print(p.." ") end}; do if [[ ${file: -3:3} == "gem" ]]; then cp $file vendor/cache; elif [[ ${file: -3:3} == "bz2" ]]; then tar xf $file; fi; done %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/%{name} bundle install --local --standalone --deployment --binstubs=%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/ --no-cache --shebang=%{_bindir}/ruby find . -name .gitignore -print0 | xargs --no-run-if-empty -0 rm # Install everything we just built cp -al . %{buildroot}/usr/lib/%{name}/ # Don't install the rpmlintrc rm %{buildroot}/usr/lib/%{name}/$(basename %{SOURCE2}) # Change #!/usr/local/bin/ruby to #!/usr/bin/ruby fgrep -rl "usr/local/bin" %{buildroot} | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed -i -e 's_/usr/local/bin_/%{_bindir}_'g # Change ../../../../../BUILD to {%_libdir}/%{name} fgrep -rl "../../../../../BUILD" %{buildroot} | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed -i -e 's_../../../../../BUILD_%{_libdir}/%{name}_'g # Remove references to buildroot fgrep -rl "%{buildroot}" %{buildroot} | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed -i -e 's_%{buildroot}__'g %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/%{name}/ %{_bindir}
Set DEVSRC to the dir where development takes place.
This script updates the .spec with any gems and tarballs (it should be added to the rubygem-bundle but include it in the packaging for now)
#!/bin/bash rm -f *gem *tar.bz2 cp $DEVSRC/Gemfile . cp $DEVSRC/Gemfile.lock . cp $DEVSRC/vendor/cache/*gem . > c=3 for src in $(cd $DEVSRC; find vendor/cache/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d); do tar cfj $(basename $src).tar.bz2 -C $DEVSRC $src; echo Source$((c++)): $(basename $src).tar.bz2 >> done for g in *gem; do echo Source$((c++)): $(basename $g) >> ; done; sed -i '/^Source2:/,/# SourceEnd/ {//!d}; /^Source2:/r' *.spec rm
There's a lua macro to recreate the bundle cache ready for building.
Update the changelog and version and run
osc ar
Then osc ci