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Meet Mer/Installation

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How to install MeetMer dashboard


Install Core

First install Ruby, Rubygems and Rails

  • Install Ruby 1.9.x
  • Install RubyGems
  • Install Bundler
  • Install Rails 3.1 or later

Prepare database

  • Install MySql database
    • create db user and set passwd

Prepare MeetMer core

  • Clone/pull source from Github
  • In MeetMer root folder, install needed gems: bundle install
  • Edit db/database.yml (might not exist) file and run db create command: rake db:create

Install features

Features are implemented as separate gems (engine). Each feature has own github repository and they have own versioning.

Available features are:

  • Meetings - lists and shows Mer meeting discussion logs and meeting minutes.
  • Tasks - lists and shows Mer project not taken tasks
  • Bugs - lists and shows not taken bugs by products.
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