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NOTE: There is no guarantee that the update instructions in this page work and that your device boots after the update. So it is recommended to backup all your essential data before doing the update.



Wayland images are WIP, and can be updated as root (ssu ur won't output anything, and only needs to be run if `zypper lr` doesn't report any adaptation* repos):

ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup

If any new packages were added, make sure you grab them with:

# For N950/N9:
zypper in -t pattern nemo-n950-wayland

# For x86 VM:
zypper in -t pattern nemo-complete-wayland

Upgrading from X11/Qt4 to Wayland/Qt5 image is not supported. Please install from scratch.


Updating via Packages application

  1. Make sure your device is connected to network
  2. Choose "Refresh cache" button from the center of the toolbar
  3. After cache has been refreshed choose "Update"
  4. Packages creates a list of available updates (may take some time), choose "Update selected" (all should be selected by default)
  5. System solves the dependencies and creates a list of packages that it needs to update and install, this may take long time. After the list is shown confirm update.
  6. System downloads and installs the packages. Once the app shows "Finished" all packages have been installed. Now you can close the application
  7. Reboot device

NOTE: This method doesn't download new packages that might have been added to the patterns, for this see the cmdline method.

Updating via command line

To update Nemo image you need to have Nemo installed and need to have internet connection enabled. When device is connected to the Internet open terminal and run following commands:

# Take root permissions (standard pasword for root is: nemo)

# Update the repository database
zypper ref

# Update the repository data and refresh data again just to be sure you have latest repos
zypper install ssu-vendor-data-nemo
zypper ref 

# We run the update inside screen so that if something breaks (UX or network it doesn't get interrupted)
zypper install screen

# Start screen, this makes sure that even if for example Xorg crashes during update the update doesn't stop in the middle

# Start update process
zypper dup

# At times there are new packages introduced in the patterns that are not installed automatically,
# thus following command is needed to get rest of the stuff.
# Here <DEVICE> is n900, n950, x86-generic or x86-vm
zypper install -f -t pattern nemo-<DEVICE>

# After update reboot the device


Nemo has adopted ssu which handles the repositories. These repositories are currently divided into two groups, release and rnd:

To check that ssu is installed and which version you have call

rpm -q ssu

SSU version < 0.31

Old SSU isn't supported anymore. To update to new ssu do following:

zypper ref
zypper dup
zypper install nemo-ssu-repos-rnd
zypper ref
zypper dup
ssu ur
zypper ref
zypper dup

After this follow the guide for newer ssu.

SSU version 0.31 and newer

In new ssu versions the repository handling was merged to the ssu itself.

Choose either the 'release' repo

ssu re latest

or the 'rnd' repo

ssu re -r latest

'rnd' requires you to select the flavour:

  • devel - bleeding edge, latest features straight from source code changes, along with all the new bugs :)
  • testing - cutting edge, less instability
  • stable - currently not used

What's your flavour? Choose via `ssu fl FLAVOUR e.g.:

ssu fl devel

Final steps

Next thing is to update the repository files. This is done by calling.

ssu ur

After this you should have repository files at /etc/zypp/repos.d/ssu_*.repo

Now you can continue the zypper usage as before.

NOTE: Whenever you change between 'release' and 'rnd' with `ssu re` command you need to call `ssu ur` or the repository files will point to the previously selected version.

NOTE: Changing between 'rnd' and 'release' or between different flavours in 'rnd', some packages will be at times older so "zypper dup" will also notify you about downgrading packages. As long as you know about the changes you are making this is usually a safe operation.

Known Issues

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